How to Brush Your Pet’s Teeth

Pets are an important part of our lives for many years. As such, dental care is important to extend your pet's good health and quality years with you. Dental disease is the most common problem seen in our pet population today. More than 85% of all dogs and cats presented to veterinarians are affected by dental problems. Periodontal disease is what causes bad breath as well as eventual tooth loss.

We recommend daily dental care at home for your pets, just like the rest of the family. It is best to begin home care at an early age (8 to 12 weeks) during puppy or kittenhood, but it is never too late. Visible tartar should be removed ultrasonically in a process known as scaling and polishing, just like when people go to the dentist. This makes your home care efforts easier and more effective. Always remember to make it fun!

Supplies for brushing your pet’s teeth:

  • Washcloth or toothbrush

  • Pet toothpaste (see products available in our hospital). Do not use human toothpaste as many contain artificial sweeteners that are toxic to pets.

Week 1 – Slowly Acquainting Your Pet with Mouth Care

Using your hand, gently open the pet's mouth and run your finger around his or her lips, lifting the lips, etc. This should being for just 30 seconds on day one and progressing to a couple of minutes by the end of the week. Reward your pet with a small treat at the end of each session (no "people food" please).

Week 2 – Introducing Toothbrush or Washcloth (Without Toothpaste)

This week, use either a wet washcloth wrapped around your index finger or wet toothbrush on the teeth. Lift lips. Massage the outer surfaces only of upper and lower teeth using a back and forth motion. Do this for 30 seconds on day one, progressing up to three minutes by the end of the week.

Week 3 – Add Toothpaste, Extend Brushing Time

This week use your dental cleaning instrument and now add ¾ of an inch of toothpaste to brush the outer surfaces only of the upper and lower teeth in a back-and-forth motion.

A Few Pointers:

  • Do not rush the process or else the pet may become resistant.

  • Always treat at the end of each session, making it enjoyable, PRAISE HIGHLY!

  • If your pet shows any indication of aggression (growling, bearing teeth, biting, scratching, etc.) stop immediately. Call the hospital for professional advice.

  • NEVER use a human toothpaste. Vomiting is common if this is done and newer toothpastes often contain xylitol or saccharin which are toxic to dogs and cats.

  • Cleaning at home will reduce the frequency of professional care needed.

  • Won't a Milkbone a day take care of it? NO! If you ate a Milkbone a day would you never have to brush your teeth? Of course you would still need to brush. Dental treats help, but they cannot do it alone. Our hospital offers a rawhide chew with an enzymatic coating which helps breakdown calculus but still does not replace the need for professional care.