Dental Care & Surgical Services
Orange Grove Animal Hospital offers a wide range of surgical and dental hygiene services for cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, ferrets and exotic small mammals. These services may range from the routine, such as dog or cat spay and neuter, to the unexpected.
What to Expect Before Your Appointment:
Routine and out-patient surgeries and dental prophylaxis are performed in the morning, Monday through Friday. A member of Orange Grove Animal Hospital’s team will call you the night before your pet’s procedure to review pre-surgical instructions specific for your pet. During intake, our receptionist will review estimated prices for the surgical procedure, any pre-anesthesia testing recommended or required by your pet’s veterinarian, as well as a tentative discharge time.
What to Expect After Your Appointment:
Once your pet has recovered from anesthesia, one of our technicians will call you with a more precise discharge time as well as review any medications or post-surgical instructions. The technician will answer any of your questions and help schedule any necessary follow up appointments. It is important to follow the after-care instructions to minimize any post-surgical complications.
An Orange Grove Animal Hospital technician will call you the following day to ensure your pet is recovering from his or her surgical procedure and that all your questions have been answered.
Additional Details:
We ask for our small mammal exotics (such as rabbits, guinea pigs, etc), a small amount of the normal diet is brought with your pet so that we can ensure your pet is eating normally prior to discharge.
For non-routine or emergency surgeries, pre and post-surgical instructions will be tailored to your pet and the procedure.
All of our surgical and dental patients will receive written discharge instructions for you to refer to at home.
For more information on the importance of preventative procedures such as Spay & Neuter and prophylactic Dental Care, please see our Information pages located in our Resources section.